Excerpt from Taylor's Galavante article July 2024:

Hilary: Tell us about the Tate & Taylor brand, and why you started it! 

Taylor: Tate & Taylor was inspired by my incredible bond with my late labradoodle, Tate, offering a platform where pets and their humans can thrive together. After almost 10 years of experience as a pet parent, I realized the demand for a trusted community. Thus, Tate & Taylor was born. Tate’s legacy lives on through our platform, designed to celebrate and enrich the lives of pets. Tate & Taylor provides engaging, inspiring, and thought-provoking content. Additionally our content is alongside a curated marketplace that showcases female-founded and eco-friendly dog brands and products that give back. It benefits animals everywhere. 

Hilary: What are your favorite pet friendly hotels, and where are they? 

Taylor: When Tate was with me, he was a 30 pound labradoodle and was easy to travel with! Petit Ermitage in Los Angeles, was the best hotel. I have the best memories of all the workers knowing and welcoming Tate. Tate loved it because he was cherished there! His favorite thing was hanging out on the pool deck.

Another pet friendly hotel I’ve heard about and wanted to visit is Scribner’s Lodge in the Catskills in New York. They give your dog goodies for their stay including a custom bandana, treats, and toys. Salem is different [than Tate] as he is a bigger dog. That’s why I think a hotel with wide open spaces would be great for him.

Hilary: Any tips for traveling with pets?

Taylor: When traveling with Salem, I always make sure he’s hydrated. We have a great Flip Dog Travel Bottle from Springer on the Tate & Taylor site that’s great for on the go moments. I also bring along Winnie Lou treats in my bag as well.

Hilary: Congratulations on the new venture, and we can’t wait to see where it goes.

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